Sleep in a casa particular in Viñales, Cuba

Why would you sleep in a hotel and only see the touristic sights of Cuba, when you can have the option of indulging in local life while sleeping in a casa particular? In a casa particular Cubans rent out rooms in their houses to tourists, and together with the family you can experience many typical Cuban things. In these casas, almost all rooms for tourists are independent. They often have porches with rocking chairs, where you can relax in the afternoons and enjoy a homemade mojito. You can ask if it is possible to have diner in your casa in Viñales; the Cuban family will be delighted to prepare you some typical dishes.

Cubans love talking to and learning from travellers, as many Cubans are not able to travel themselves. All the families that rent out rooms in their casas particulares are very kind and friendly. Even though some might not speak your language, a smile will go a long way. You will have the change to take a peek in a typical Cuban home. You can see the family photos on the wall, ask questions about their jobs and the way of life in Viñales. It is like you enter more deeply into Cuba and you can take home many interesting stories and memories.

On this page about casas particulares in Viñales, Cuba you can see some of the casas particulares of my family members in Viñales, where you can stay while exploring the town and its green surroundings.

Send me a message if you want more information!




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Jesús nació en Viñales y vivió en este pueblo por los primeros 22 años de su vida. Tiene 10 tíos y 28 primos en cuba y conoce cada rincón de su pueblo Viñales. Con este sitio, quiere compartir sus experiencias y mejores consejos con turistas que quieren visitar a su pueblo. A Jesús le gusta la naturaleza, sus palomas, su familia y viajar el mundo con su novia holandesa.

Tiene su propio blog llamado El Viajero Cubano y puedes seguir su cuenta de Instagram.


  1. Hello, do you have recommendations on a place to stay for 6 persons in Vinales? and maybe an itinerary of visits? we love nature, history and are athletic

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