Travel by rental car in Cuba

If you want to travel around Cuba with a great sense of freedom, the best way to do it is with a rental car.

Cuba is an easy country to navigate, because in Cuba the risk of getting lost or not finding your way is very small. The truth is: there aren’t that many roads! And if you do get lost, you can always ask a Cuban by the side of the road if they can point you in the right direction.

Your own car will give you the freedom to do whatever you wish to do when you get off the beaten track and into the countryside. There are many small vibrant towns you can visit, which will be hard to reach without a car. Also, a rental car will give you the opportunity to have a tranquil breakfast in the morning, without a hurry to catch your bus, and let’s you start your trip to the next town whenever it suits you best.

Traveling around with a rental car will make your trip to Cuba more relaxt, as you will not have to think about local transportation options and can really enjoy your days to the fullest.

If you want to book a rental car in Cuba, you can only do it on one page only where you get a direct confirmation. It is run by a travel agency which has a monopoly on offering the three rental car companies that are owned by the Cuban state. The website is called

Buen viaje!





Posted in Uncategorized.

Jesús nació en Viñales y vivió en este pueblo por los primeros 22 años de su vida. Tiene 10 tíos y 28 primos en cuba y conoce cada rincón de su pueblo Viñales. Con este sitio, quiere compartir sus experiencias y mejores consejos con turistas que quieren visitar a su pueblo. A Jesús le gusta la naturaleza, sus palomas, su familia y viajar el mundo con su novia holandesa.

Tiene su propio blog llamado El Viajero Cubano y puedes seguir su cuenta de Instagram.

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